Monday, July 4, 2011

Reptiles & Salmonella

Before you turn your iguana into a handbag, how-ever, consider:
Lightning kills more people than reptile-related salmonello-sis. And about 90, YES 90 percent of Salmonella infections are caused by improperly cooked food, including eggs and poultry. Other pets also pose risks. Chicks, ducklings and pet birds can spread Salmonella. Dogs and cats can bite and scratch. About 24,000 people a year get cat-scratch disease, an in-fection that can cause swelling and discomfort of the lymph nodes and sometimes fever. About 2,000 are hospitalized. In their waste, puppies and kittens can spread germs that sicken people, including Salmonella, Campylobacter, Giardia and Cryptosporidium.

Reptiles are just one cause of Salmonella problems. Here is more information about the disease and its sources:
What is salmonellosis?
A disease caused by Salmonella bacteria. It usually affects the intestinal tract and occasionally the bloodstream. Salmonella bacteria can cause food- poisoning outbreaks.
Where are Salmonella found?
The bacteria often contaminate raw meats, including chicken, eggs and unpasteurized milk and cheese products. These bacteria are also found in the feces of infected persons or infected pets such as reptiles, chicks, dogs and cats.
How are Salmonella bacteria spread?
By eating contaminated food (particularly undercooked eggs and poultry) or drinking contaminated water. Infected persons can spread the bacteria by not washing their hands after going to the bathroom and then handling food that other people eat. Another way to get this disease is by having direct contact with feces from an infected person or animal and then transferring the bacteria to the mouth from the hands.
What are the symptoms of salmonellosis?
The most common ones are diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain, headache and occasionally vomiting. Blood infections can be quite serious, particularly in the very young or elderly.
How soon after exposure do symptoms appear?
One to three days.
How long can an infected person carry the Salmonella bacteria?
Usually, several days to several weeks after illness. Some people carry the bacteria for a year or more.
What is the treatment for salmonellosis?
Most people recover on their own. Persons with diarrhea should drink plenty of fluids.

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