I would like to begin teaching my 5 year old daugther responsibility. I would like to get her a managable pet.
Answer: (not from me.. but I do agree!) Buying your child a pet doesn't teach responsibility. Teaching her to keep her room clean, care about the environment and other people, THAT is what teaches kids responsibility. Sorry to break it to you but as a kid my parents tried to teach me responsibility by getting me a rabbit, and the poor thing sat alone in its hutch most of the time when my parents didn't care for it. A kid of 5 can't understand the concept of caring, cleaning out and all the other things a pet needs plus they are physically too small to do such things so what responsibility are you teaching your kid? If you want a pet it needs to be a FAMILY thing. You can tell your kid its her pet but it really isn't. Personally I'd just teach her how to care for the pets you've got and understand their biology and things.
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